ًWork Packages

WP7 Dissemination of the project results

NRC in coordination with the partners will establish and manage project website and update its contents periodically. Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems (AKIS) of the project will be provided in the form of hands-on, accessible and on-topic toolkits. Farmers, SMEs and food industries can learn about best and innovative MEDISMART project practices and calculate their own advantages in adopting innovations. Coordinate dissemination and visibility activities (articles, pages, interviews, etc.,) will be carried out through the project website. In order to raise awareness the following activities will be carried out.

  • Brochures. The brochures will carefully designed to be attractive, visible and useful and distribute to users.
  • Newsletters. These will be disseminated through the channels (newsletters, press release, etc.,).
  • Papers in scientific literature and specialized press, magazines, etc. Project will publish number of scientific papers in peer reviewed and highly impacted journals. Technological journals will be also addressed
  • Distribution of information and results in congress, conferences, stands in exhibitions and other training activities. Project will assist at least three International events in order to spread the information of the project.